The New News

Can you believe it’s been two entire months since the last New News post?! I like to think this is because we've just been in a whirlwind of activity lately and haven't had time to put pen to paper. Nothing at all like the alternative - that I'm just a rather simple individual and fear you'll find me dull if I tell you what the real new news in my life is. Nothing like that...

>> This weekend I bought a book on baking bread and in two days baked three loaves. This also means that in two days my domestic abilities increased by at least 300%.

>> Colton left yesterday for a month. Ugh. I feel like someone just kicked me in the gut. Fortunately this is also my busiest month of the summer and I’ll only be at home without him for four days – the entire month! I like to think that’s some strategic planning by none other than, well, God.

>> I’m 1000 miles from MVP status with Alaska Air. I’m not entirely sure what this will mean for me, other than (fingers crossed) an extra bag of peanuts, but I’m still feeling wildly accomplished. In other news, 1000 miles? Really?! They couldn’t just give me those as a courtesy bonus?

>> Admittedly, I’m the last person who will ever make it to a Pampered Chef or Mary Kay or Most-Incredible-Tupperware-Ever party. There are just too many decisions and too many amazingly engineered kitchen utensils I don’t know how to use that I get stressed. But a few months ago my mom sent me a Scentsy candle in the mail and OhMyGawd I thought she had jumped from the box and made me a batch of chocolate chips cookies herself. Thanks to Scentsy my house now rests in a permanent state of fresh baked gooey yumminess and warm vanilla. Or at least the smell of them.

>> I can’t stop Pinning! While I’ve been using Pinterest since February, I’ve yet to blog about it until now. If you’re not already familiar with the website I highly recommend stopping by and wasting a significant portion of your evening. Be careful, though! You’re likely to redecorate every room in your house, buy a new wardrobe, and even do crazy, crazy things – like bake.

Happy Tuesday, Michelle