Leslie (and co.)

Meet the Pannebaker’s. I don’t want to pick favorites, but Josh and Leslie, along with their sweet children Grace and Gabe, are quite possibly one of our favorite families in the world. During college Colton and I shared the same small group as Josh and Leslie and over the course of a few years, many meals, and a lot of laughs we grew to know and adore them like family. When Josh emailed to ask if I would be in Oregon anytime soon I immediately wrote him back with my entire summer schedule. If there was even the slightest of chances that I could see the Pannebaker’s I was going to find a way to make it happen. Josh wanted to surprise Leslie with a portrait session and I could not have been any more excited to be in on the plan. Spending the evening with friends is wonderful as is, but add in some lovely summer light and one gorgeous lady (and wrap it all in a nice surprise bow) and, well, that’s just my idea of heaven.

I've been waiting to post these pictures until I got the film scans back from the lab. It took all of my self control to not post these earlier, but once I saw the scans this afternoon I was so glad I waited. My heart skipped a few beats and I danced a small, totally respectable, happy dance around the house. Actually. I know I've said it before, but film is just so soft and romantic and beautiful - kind of exactly like Leslie.

Leslie, you are stunning.

My favorites...

Leslie asked if we could take a few quick pictures of the whole family and I was more than happy to oblige.

And I'll end with this shot of the whole family. They're kinda perfect.

Leslie, I know you didn't have much to do with the planning of our day so I'll take this opportunity to thank Josh for 1. Surprising your wife with her very own portrait session. And 2. Inviting me to be part of it. But as wonderful as our evening shoot was, it only left me wishing we lived by you guys once again. It was so wonderful getting to see you, catch up on Corvallis life, and take a few pretty pictures while we were at it. I can't even wait for the next time we can do it all again!

Lots and lots and lots of love, Michelle